Tokyo 360

August 11th 2017

I've been toying with new ways of working. Film will always have a special place and it's been wonderful to fall back in love with it again over the last year.

Singular focus and dedication to a cause, the 10,000 hours story, has its merits. That perfect shot is just around the corner, it has to be...surely? I confess at the same time it becomes a comfort zone. I've taken the plunge into digital, although just through a camera phone, dallied with video and so next up is the wild west of 360.

A trip to Tokyo seemed the perfect opportunity. A collision of ancient and modern, Blade Runner in a petri dish.

How did it go? Well it's certainly out of my comfort zone! Pretty much every maxim I follow is quite literally turned upside down.

Is it street? Absolutely. As you immersive yourself in the image you are in the moment as well as outside it. A participant and an observer. Part of a bigger story.

That's life. That's street.


modernising street photography #2


looking for a new Europe