harvest time

September 5th 2023

Really pleased with my work over the summer from Marseille and in particular London where I've been struggling with finding new ideas. Perhaps my time away earlier this year gave me the kickstart I needed.

I confess it's a form of madness to repeating my routine year after year. There'a an argument that working within set limits is a good discipline but there's a risk of gravitating to familiar spots that you know have a higher chance of success. Oxford Circus at 5pm anyone? 

The good thing about working in a new city is a clean slate. There's a Winogrand quote I'm sure I read about not needing much time in a new place to find an interesting picture. The other relevant one of his I do know is...

Photos have no narrative content. They only describe light on surface.

I can agree with the first but the second is interesting. There’s plenty of narratives you can project onto a picture (I’ve some experience in that) but there’s also a point that you may just let it be . Relax. Don’t complicate it or invest it with some deep profundity.

My issue maybe is one of life in general. We’re all searching for meaning. But hey let’s appreciate and value what’s in front of our noses. Somehow I don’t think that will make a quote. Maybe a T-shirt. Perhaps.


back in the time machine


park life